Thursday, December 16, 2010


I was thrilled to learn yesterday that I am in full remission; they couldn't find any cancer cells in my bone marrow.  My wonderful oncologist, Dr. Pollokoff, expected this from how he'd seen me respond to the chemo.  What I also learned yesterday was what the next stage of treatment involves, besides chemo into the spinal fluid: a possible one month stay (again) in the hospital while they monitor all my blood levels -- platelets, hemoglobin, white blood cells -- which go way down through this phase of the treatment as well.  This means I've got to be as tough inwardly as I can to get through another month of nausea, etc. etc.  They may let me out before a month, depending on how I do.  My treatment will stretch on like this for several months before I get to the maintainence phase. During this time I'll be in and out of the hospital.  Initially I hadn't realized what a long haul this was going to be, so am doing my best to adjust my attitude as best I can.

Being home the last few days has been nice.  Away from Chemo, my taste buds are coming back and my wonderful neighbor, Julia, is making yummy meals for me.  Definitely food, when I'm not nauseous, is one of the few pleasures right now.....  

The world is spinning round its orbit, Christmas toys are flying off the shelves, people are planning lovely holiday activities.  I hope all of you are feeling the spirit of the season.  This morning was thinking of remote forest scene.  A wide open field surrounded by tall alpine mountains and a beautiful lone pine tree reflecting in a lake.  Thick snow on its branches.  So silent except for the occasional gust of wind.  Nothing and no one around for miles and miles.  It is completely untouched in its natural beauty...... That image gives me inspiration...

Love to all of you.


  1. As Dr. Polikoff says: 'You have crossed the first hurdle Heidi!'.....Congratulations sweet woman.

    And we will take the next hurdles one at a time and continue the healing slowly and surely.

    big hugs all day long....

  2. and your image of the lone snow covered pine tree reflected in the stillness of the lake is beautiful and deeply nourishing.....

  3. (well, thank you, Peter, now I'll hav to go looking for that....)

    What excellent news, Heidi-ji. Yes, the road back from leukemia is long; but atleast now it is certain and there are fewer dark places along that road.

    And anytime Peter needs a break, there are hugs a-plenty over here for you.


  4. Wonderful news! Many prayers have been answered. Now the prayers will be for strength and endurance to cross the finish line.

    Love in God,

  5. Dearest Heidi, I'm a voice from your past at MC. Someone pointed me to your blog, and I want you to know that you are deeply in my thoughts and prayers. I have personal experience with 3 people close to me who recovered fully from cancer -- one from lymphoma in the early 1980s and another from pancreatic cancer 7 years ago. At the time they each occurred both were considered certain death sentences. I firmly believe that you can overcome through positive thinking and attunement. Warmest wishes, Ellie Trevarthen (but you may remember me as Ellie Raufman)

  6. Heidi! Congratulations! It has been amazing following your blog, and really heart warming to read the sweet comments left by Peter. Peter is my hero! Great news. Fabulous. xoxo Elma

  7. Congratulations Heidi! Great News. A big hip-hip-hooray! Love, Jory

  8. What wonderful news, Heidi !!! :)

    I never appreciated what a beautiful word "remission" is before . . .

    May the Divine continue to strengthen & comfort your valiant soul. Love & prayers, Fran
