Saturday, January 22, 2011

A Glorious Weekend before the Hospital...again

Hi Everyone,

I'm making the most of this beautiful San Diego weather this weekend, before my hospital journey begins again on Monday...feeling the warm sun on my skin, listening to the birds sing without a care in the world, looking out at the vastness of sea and sky.  Peter is here this weekend.  I gave him a hair cut and trimmed his beard.  These quiet Saturday mornings are so different from my supremely focused active life before Leukemia, and it is good to allow the moments to soak in without thought of the future or the past. 

I found a wonderful acupuncturist just 15 mins. from my house.  Went to two appts. this week for the nausea and they really seemed to help.  We discussed the side effects from chemo -- he has experience with oncology support.  I look forward to connecting with him periodically to help me through the inevitable pain and discomfort as my body receives more of this oddly healing poison. 

I'm finding myself looking ahead just a bit, now that just 3 months remain to the hospital part of my treatment.  Two weeks at home showed me how gradual my strength comes back.  I innocently felt it would be back almost full force by now...eating well, sleeping well, for the most part, and having the last chemo treatment a good month ago (not counting the 10 min. spinal chemo I had two weeks ago).  I have heard that it can take many moons to recover from chemo and, once again, patience is needed.  Great patience.  More patience than I've ever had to must so far in these 60 years....

For those of you who have written me personal messages offering support of various kinds, please know that I have taken them all to heart and very much appreciate your suggestions.  This blog doesn't allow me to reply personally, so if you'd like to hear from me, please give me your email address in your message.   I am always open for visits too -- whether in the hosp. or home.

My blood counts are great right now!  After a very high ALT liver count (indicating potential damage to my liver), in just one week the level is back to the normal range.  It was very encouraging to see how quickly it recovered by just eliminating some of the drugs I was taking!  I keep talking to my liver and organs telling them to hang in there through the next several months to a year!

Time for the shot in my stomach and then another avocado and dill pickle sandwich!

Love and Hugs to all of you....




  1. Namasté, Heidi. It is heartening to hear the sunshine in your words. That brings me a great deal of joy. Glad that the acupuncture is helping the "side-effects" and that you are resolved with the final phase of your treatment.
    Sending Light, Dear One. Tim

  2. Courage my dear friend! My thoughts are especially with you on the eve of your next phase in the hospital! ♥

  3. Hi Sweetie!♥♥

    You are starting chemo again today and our we are very much with you! When you settle in, look in on today's post on the blog I am doing for you. ♥♥♥♥
