Thursday, September 13, 2012

Spinal Tap Today

Hi Everyone,

My spinal tap this morning was the best one I have ever had in terms of ease and lack of pain.  There have been times when the doctor couldn't find the right spot and had to poke me with the thick needle for up to 30 mins!   Today I was in and out of the office in about 10.  The needle went in with hardly any pain (unheard of as these procedures are nortoriously painfuly).  I attribute this to all your support, love and prayers and to my listening to a beautiful healing visualization for a couple of hours before the procedure

Dr. Polikoff said that "some" results could come in as early as a day or two.  There are a number of types of cells and qualities to the spinal fluid they need to check.  It takes time to incubate all of these over a period of a week or so.  But tonight my cerebrospinal protein levels came back.  The norm on the Kaiser website says they are between 15-45.  Another website said 15-60.  It all depends on the lab you look at.  My level was 59!  High levels are considered over 100.  I'd say I got a pretty good reading, from my uneducated perspective.  Not sure what this all means, of course, but high protein levels are definitely not a good thing and that mine are within range (more or less) is encouraging.  We still have a long way to go with getting all the results and understanding what they mean.  I've asked Dr.  Polikoff for a comparison between my spinal tap in July and the one today.  I have no doubt there will be a big difference for the better.

This is such a significant test.  It will determine next steps.  Dr. Polikoff thinks that the facial paralysis is due to cancer and wants to start me on chemo drugs again. All will depend on what we find and Peter and I are not at all convinced I have any leukemia.... Meanwhile, he wants me to start with a higher dose steroid again to improve the paralysis in my face.  It got a bit worse today.  I'm going to acupuncture several times a week and have just started today a chiropractic technique called NUCCA.  It came highly recommended for neurological issues including facial paralysis.  I am going to some type of appointment every day!

More news will come soon.  Love to you all--Heidi

1 comment:

  1. Heidi! THANK YOU for taking the time and making the effort to post your update!!!! So happy to hear that you were in and out in 10, that your level was 59 and that you are getting acupuncture and NUCCA!!!!! Love and Hugs from Doug and me. ♥ ♥ (object of a preposition) smile.
