Tuesday, September 11, 2012

A long, winding river.....

Hi Everyone,

Crossing the river has had some recent, unexpected white water!  I came across some strong turbulence in the form of facial paralysis about a week ago.  Since it's difficult to see right now (and thus to type), will copy Peter's message to some friends and let his words inform you all.  Am keeping up a brave spirit as much as possible!  I continue to come out "clear" from a cancer perspective so don't feel it's cancer that's causing the paralysis.  Hope to find out more within the next two weeks.   A recent CT scan came back normal, ruling out stroke and tumors, thankfully.  Spinal tap is this Thurs.  Please keep me in your prayers between 9:30 -10 a.m.  Thank you!    Will keep you informed.  All my love,  Heidi

Hello all--
I have some difficult news about my dear Heidi..She has developed facial palsy--a semi paralysis of her face including eyes, mouth, jaw--over the past several days. Initially it was thought to be something called Bell's Palsy which is on one side of the face, a real nuisance, and almost always time limited. However the paralysis has extended to both sides of her face now and it's very hard for her to eat, to talk, to read or even watch tv and there is pain and significant discomfort at times.
We saw an opthamalogist today who taught us how to care for her eyes so they don't dry out and become at risk for injury. This doctor feels she needs to be seen by her oncologist and we are doing so on Thursday when she'll have a spinal tap and have her cerebro-spinal fluid evaluated again for the presence or absence of leukemia.
There is worry that the facial palsy could be caused by the leukemia, yet in other ways she is doing so much better than even 2-3 weeks ago in terms of energy and strength...There's a small chance the paralysis could be a neuropathy caused by chemotherapy but the eye doctor today didn't think this is likely.
So, she and I ask for your prayers, good wishes, thoughts of love and support through this phase of the experience.
In love,


  1. Hello dear Heidi, sorry you are going through this rough face phase...sounds like no fun. sending you my love and healing thoughts and hoping it leaves on the next train to the crab nebula!

  2. A long and winding river, road, journey - you are being tested, aren't you? Will be thinking clean and clear thoughts Thursday morning. Until then, I hope you can enjoy not only expressions of love, but perhaps some soothing music, as well?

  3. Oh Heidi,
    We are with you! Praying, meditating, sending loving kindness and compassion, hoping, and keeping faith! This whitewater will calm.
    With You,

  4. Heidi! I just now read this post! Our fervent prayers are winging around you! We await your news! LOVE and big hugs to you always!
