Friday, February 1, 2013

Things are Going Well at the Moment!

Hello everyone!

I had a good day yesterday.  Saw Dr. Polikoff.  My white blood cell count is way down. We do a cytology test next week to look for cancer cells, but the low white blood cells indicate there is very little cancer left in my CSF.   The treatments are working to get me back into remission.  Dr. P said he has never seen anyone respond as quickly as me -- attributed to all the prayers, cold energy, rituxan, love and positive energy.  Oh yes, and GRACE! 

Have a very busy week coming up.  I see the Tibetan doctor, Dr. Dhoundup, on Tuesday and I'm really looking forward to that.  Talk to Dr. Bricca on Monday.  Am eager to get a plan going where are the parts of my care team are working together. 

Am reflecting deeply these days about the cold energy.  Could it alone be the cure for me, along with the supplements?  Amsheva thinks so.  Or is it better to do "this and that" to keep it at bay?  I've had, what I'd call, mixed results....but mostly miraculous results!  Yet just when I think it's all gone, the cancer cells pop up again!  Am I not being diligent enough with the supplements?  Oh, if only it would work WITH does work with the anti-body Rituxan, thank goodness.  I'm VERY responsive to methotrexate;  when on it, they can't find any cancer cells.  What an interesting situation at the moment.  I sit betwixt and between choices again.  Mederi and Tibetan medicine work with chemo and Rituxan AND cold energy.  I like having options, given what I've been going through for 2 plus years.  I do the cold energy as a maintenance and I'm always so shocked, actually, when I hear the Leukemia is back.  Yet it saved my life...of this I'm sure.

So I just take it a day at a time now.  I guess my goal is to get the report that they can't find any cancer again and go full steam ahead with Tibetan medicine, Mederi and cold energy, copper chelation AND rituxan!  Thank you for your prayers that in all these steps and stages I follow the light and my intuition.

Meanwhile, my art show is coming along.  I'm enjoying the early mornings when I can't sleep, usually because of the steriod I'm on.  It's a time to be with myself, to read, meditate and enjoy the silence.

Peter is in Portland with his younger brother, Chris, who is dying.  Wish I could be there with him.  We are all facing our mortality here on this earth plane.  Most likely Chris will pass in a few days, but you never know.  He's in hospice and hasn't been conscious for about 50 hours now.  They are keeping him comfortable.  He's had a very hard life, his brother.  It's comforting to know that Peter's special brand of love and care are with his brother in the end.

Just a brief report for now....  Will report more as there's more to report! 



1 comment:

  1. I Love your Feisty Spirit! I so appreciate that you keep us posted.

    You are in Pre-art show mode now. Please conserve and reserve the restorative energy that you need every minute. (That just came in for you so I had to add it.) Love and Hugs!!!
