Friday, April 8, 2011

A-Fib and a Trip to the 3rd Floor

Hi dear ones,

Well, A-Fib was bound to catch up with me sooner or later here at the hospital, and it did last night.  I'm not sure I reported prior to this, but my last time out of the hospital I had numerous episodes and was in the ER a couple of times.  The more often it comes, it sets up a pattern of coming more often:  "A-Fib begets A-Fib" the doctors have told me.  Having this ON TOP of Leukemia has been a real challenge since the A-Fib is extremely depleting (as is the Leukemia). 

But I seemed to take it all pretty much in stride.  Peter stayed til nearly 12:30 a.m. to make sure I got transferred to the heart floor OK, which happened around 1 a.m.  I must say, this floor is very nice.  My room overlooks a beautiful pine tree and the very green, rain-soaked hills facing west toward the ocean.  I'm told by the nurses that the sunsets are spectacular from this Wing.  I actually hope I can stay up here for awhile.

They gave me a calcium blocker last night and within 30 mins. I had converted back to sinus (normal heart beat).  I was in A-Fib for just about 5-6 hours, unlike the other recent times when it stretched out to 17 and 24 hours!  I am so looking forward to the surgery called Ablation that they use to fix this problem when I am stronger...perhaps by this summer.  The very week I decided to go ahead with the surgery is the week I found out about the Leukemia, so it all had to get put on the back burner. 

It is a rush against time, however.... the more often it occurs, the more likely it will become chronic (in A-Fib all the time) and the less effective the surgery.  I do my best to surrender all of this from the depths of me.  There is simply nothing else I can do, and it brings me some peace.

I've made it through just about a week...with two more to go. 

Sending love to all of you!



  1. aw-w-w, Heidi.
    hang on, I have to turn the Light up FALL blast now.....
    best to wear those cool shades you have, okay?
    have a great view? nothing like a connection with Nature to help with healing.

    Love, Light & Blessings to You
    (yeah, I borrowed that from a mutual friend...)
    ♥ ☼ ♥ ☼ ♥

  2. May love and light carry you through to complete healing. You amaze me. xoxo Elma
