Monday, October 13, 2014

Dear Heidi Has Passed Away

This past weekend on Saturday night October 11, 2014 shortly after 7:30 our dear Heidi died at City of Hope Hospital from severe infections related to the leukemia she battled for four years.

Heidi was with her aunt Jean(her mother's sister), her brothers Greg and Kevin, her cousin Jory, and myself. The ICU staff were kind, skillful and very respectful of her needs and ours' through this difficult time.

Words fail me now. I have been unable to write this post until this morning. I miss her terribly. Heidi and I were each other's anam caras. We were true soul friends and soul partners.

She is no longer suffering and for that we are so grateful. As you all know, she was the consummate warrior in her refusal to give up in her fight against this horrible disease and in her fight for her life. My respect for her is infinite.

And I am, and will be forever, grateful for having shared these past five and one-half years of love and laughter and art-making and poetry and time with wonderful friends and family and meditations and tv show watching snuggled on our couch and trips and travails with Heidi Holliday Hall.

We will gather at some point in the future to honor Heidi and to join in our love for her.

in deep sorrow,


  1. Dearest Sir Peter, yes Sir Peter as I am bestowing the highest order of knighthood upon you as you have stood by your Queen with such love and devotion. She envelops us all with her brilliance now, and we are forever changed by the too short time we had with her. Many will stand beside you, seen and unseen as you journey forth with your Queen just beyond the veil. Blessings sweet one, and much love surrounds you!

    1. thank you! I shall need that support and love as I grieve her...

  2. oh, Peter, the news still casts a pall over my day.
    so sorry that I didn't follow-up and make the trek up in the days after we spoke
    as briefly as I knew her, she was always a joy to be around; I can only imagine what you shared.
    please let us know when a memorial is planned, as friends here who knew her through Mirabai have expressed wanting to attend.
    namasté, brother

  3. Oh, my heart goes out to you Peter and to the Spirit of Heidi. If anyone deserved a total miracle of instant healing it was Heidi and it seems so unfair that this miracle couldn't come to be after such a courageous fight. But on the other hand, her whole life and art were a miracle and she had the most incredible mindset and courage of anyone I've ever met. I have 4 pieces of her amazing art in the Goddess Studio, and her presence through her art and friendship will always enlighten my life. I will place her picture on my altar for our Samhain ritual and we'll honor her spirit and memory and hold her in our circle of love always. Blessed be to you Peter and to Heidi. The Goddess Studio space (holds 60 people) could be available for your memorial service if during a week day time, next me if you are interested...760-432-6574. Much love, Amalya

  4. A great soul has moved on to share with other parts of this wonderful Universe her brilliance and joy. Peter, thank you for all you did to help our beloved Heidi. I am sure you received more than you gave. That is the way love is - and she was pure love. On this side we will miss her dearly. But someday walking astral trail a great music and light will dawn the horizon. There we will find her wrapped in endless red hair, laughing, sparkling, dazzling with kindness and joy!

  5. From "Sorrow", by Claribel Alegría

    Salí a buscarte

    Salí a buscarte
    atravesé valles
    y montañas
    surqué mares lejanos
    le pregunté a las nubes
    y al viento
    inútil todo
    dentro de mí estabas.

    Searching for You

    I went out searching for you
    crossing valleys
    and mountains
    ploughing distant seas
    asking of the clouds
    and the wind your whereabouts
    it was all useless
    you were within me.

    Claribel Alegría

    from Sorrow
    Curbstone Press 1999
