Dear family and friends,
What an adventure! I thought the first round of chemo I got in 2010 was challenging! The BiTe clinical trial is much more trying. A "trying" trial! Sounds like a poem is brewing....
A trying trial
A cancerous ordeal
filled with lessons and tests
and unpleasant sensations
to feel
Some days I smile
and others,
Today, for example,
is a
chocolate bar day
Fiendishly fraught
Oh how I wish I could get one
and not get caught!
But can't go to the gift shop
where they lie on the shelf
Without passing the nurses' station
like a mischievous elf
nor can I go to my car
Or leave my room
for the dark chocolate bar
So it's chocolate-less gloom
My one task, the one thing to do
Is allow this drug to work
Not a candy bar bought
But a pottential cure
is prayerfully sought
Through the bag that drips
a medicine with
long letters indeed
Blinatumomab, are you what I need?
If I step into the hallway
The nurses the nurses become taut
They are strict about
microbial creatures
being caught
So I stare out the window
with about 8 more days to go
and fill my mind with visions
of days not long ago
How I took them for granted
the gentle carefree past
when cells were just normal
and health seemed to last
I dream of my friends
and delicious sugary treats
(a thing of the past)
No concerns about cancer
But bodily health
that would last and last ....'
Cancer ain't no BLAST
I'm telling you like it is!
Even those baby white cells,
known as BLASTS
to feel
is a
and not get caught!
where they lie on the shelf
like a mischievous elf
is prayerfully sought
When I heard their name
I was aghast! ....they multiply so FAST!
Shoving all other cells
out of the way (as if they have no say!)
Though a powerful healing light
seems to keep them at bay
I could go on and on
but for now, this is all I'll say
My only task, the only thing to "do" is
to meditate and pray!
So my dear friends,
please join me in prayer
that all those strong powerful
good cells
weed out the bad
sending them somewhere
so I can be glad
and resume my playful life
of laughter and good cheer
May 2014 be the year!!!!!
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