Wednesday, February 6, 2013


Dear friends and family,

Well, things were going along great until my cold or flu got a whole lot worse in the night last night....just a few days from my much anticipated art show!   I was merely congested before, but last night got a horrible sore throat that will keep me in bed today.  I've written to Dr. Polikoff, who I see tomorrow, asking if it would be advisable for me to get a shot that will boost my white blood cells so I can fight this bug better.  I'm sure my WBC is low.

On a positive note, I saw Dr. Lobsang yesterday and he gave me some tibetan herbs that will help with the infection, with my immune system and detoxing my liver.  Have any of you had tibetan herbs?  You have to chew them and swallow with water.  They taste like dirt!  But I'm doing it.  Guess you can say I'm HIGHLY motivated!  Amsheva will come by at 10:30 this morning for more cold energy.  It works on viruses too...not just I'm hoping to get a boost from that too.

The most remarkable thing has been happening with the cold energy lately.  I've had experience with it for years now but I have never felt it so strong in my body.  I take this as a positive thing.  For the full hour she is working on me, it's like I'm going down into this icey cold chamber.  It is sooooo cold that it actually burns, which means it's working.  I'd like to think that finally, finally, I've learned whatever it is I'm to learn from this experience (Leukemia) and all my irregular cells are giving themselves up to the freezing so they can move on too (i.e. DIE!!!).  I know that sounds a bit odd.  Amsheva has never experienced the cold energy like this either.  Very interesting indeed.

In spite of everything over the last few weeks -- the relapse in my CSF, the virus, the incredible discomfort on so many levels (won't bore you with the gory details), I've been remarkably bouyant, except for a meltdown or two!  They are to be expected.  I'm human!  Pretty much nothing is working right in my body now and I need all kinds of support just to get through the day.  My mouth sores prevent me from eating about 80% of food I would normally eat.  They are so painful! 

Am not sure where this bouyancy is coming from, but I'll take it!  Am working on all fronts now.  For some reason I feel very blessed at the moment.  What mystery is taking place I do not know.....

Not sure if I ever shared this painting (below) with you all.  I did it after I got out of the hospital in 2011 to "cell"-abrate the new creation of health cells.

Love to you all,


1 comment:

  1. Heidi!

    I absolutely LOVE this piece! It has a profound effect on my Joy cells! Gorgeous eye candy!!! Cosmic Cell-abration!

    Could you drink nourishing drinks through a straw?

    I am so grateful that you are remarkably buoyant with only a few meltdowns here and there and that the cold energy is so powerful and that you are able to chew the herbs that can be so beneficial, especially for your liver.

    I am especially grateful that your angel Peter, Ahmsheva and all your caregivers, friends and family love you and are here for you.

    If you do not receive more comments, it is just b/c words fail and seem inadequate in response to all that you are going through!

    ART HEALS!!!!
    Doug sends his love too.♥ ♥
