Friday, January 11, 2013

Heidi and those of us who love and care for her are deeply grateful for your generosity this past summer in helping to support her very crucial treatment program after her leukemia relapse.

She recently decided to stop chemotherapy, at least for awhile, and put her full commitment into the Mederi protocol (from the integrative and innovative Mederi Clinic in Ashland, Or.) with occasional treatments with the cold energy.

Chemotherapy is merely “palliative”, cannot cure her and has had very painful and debilitating side effects too.

Heidi is seeking a complete cure and continues to have faith that it is out there. So far she has defied all statistical outcomes for people over 60 with ALL.

Link to help Heidi: Help4Heidi

It is imperative that she continue with the Mederi protocol and cold energy treatments as ALL remains a very difficult disease to treat. In the adult setting, conventional medicine says that most patients will ultimately die of their disease.

At present, Heidi is still recovering from the two plus years of intense chemotherapy, hospitalization, facial paralysis, seizures and other related difficulties. The doctors say it may take at least six months for her to get any “normal” energy back. She is also exploring the possibility of working with Dr.Yeshi Dhonden who was the Dalai Lama’s personal physical for 20 years and has treated hundreds of patients with all kinds of Leukemia – many successfully treated. Please check out this website if you would like to know more:

This shift in her treatment comes at a time when she just learned that a past source of income is no longer available to help sustain her. It was this income that enabled her to purchase the Mederi products and continue with their treatment which is a long term plan. She will need to be on the copper chelation which is a “natural” oral chemotherapy for at least 3 years. Research out of the University of Michigan has shown that cancer patients whose copper levels are 20% below the normal range for 3 or more years due to this treatment did not relapse.

Heidi is also exploring other means of financial support (though unable to work at present) through her art. She is developing her website with the help of a friend and hopes to have it up within a

Your donations this past summer and fall went for the following treatments:
-Cold Energy treatments daily for two months – approximately $8,500
-24 hour care for a month or so -- @$17 or higher per hour
-The numerous supplements she was on during the summer, some quite expensive.

If you are now able to help Heidi in this phase of her ongoing recovery and healing, your current donations would go toward (our 3 month target is $7000):

-Mederi protocol and products -- $1,000/mo (approximately)
-Copper Chelation -- $300/mo
-Monthly Consultation with Dr. Mark Bricca of Mederi -- $225
-Occasional Cold Energy treatments -- $125/session (4 a month = $500)
-Dr. Yeshi Dhonden’s protocol if it seems helpful. So far, research shows that it would. Heidi is currently in contact with a doctor in the US who is his contact here.

Link to Help Heidi: Help4Heidi

Many Thanks and Our Wishes for a Happy and Wondrous New Year!

Peter, Greg and Kevin

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