Tuesday, October 9, 2012

Some Good News and Heidi's Current Needs

Update on Heidi’s Condition and Current Needs
First for some VERY welcome good news: Her spinal fluid is tested each week for the presence of cancer cells. We just received the results from October 4 and they are still unable to find any! This is 3 weeks running and means she is still in a technical remission which is hard to sustain according to Kaiser. Somehow, Heidi continues to respond extremely well to the chemotherapy they are giving her and not everyone does. A good sign and a remarkable feat with a cancer relapse that Western medicine says has a zero survival rate. 
Thank you to all who contributed to her care during this time and who have kept her in your supportive thoughts.  Your donations were primarily used for the cold energy treatments which saved her life, the many supplements she was on -- some very expensive -- as well as having home health care when she most needed it.  She couldn’t have made it without your support.  It provides options, which are so important right now.

Her Current Needs:

 For those of you able and inclined to contribute to her ongoing care, here’s where we are now:
We will be flying up to the Mederi Foundation Clinic in Ashland, OR, this next week and, hopefully, depending on what we learn from them, will begin a treatment plan for at least the next year.  Estimates are that this will cost anywhere between $500-$1,000 extra a month.  Heidi will also begin the cold energy treatments again which she hopes to resume at a discount rate, given all she spent over summer.  There is also the possibility of hiring an MD who “scours” the planet for the latest and best treatments – some that may be available, for example, in Germany or require long distance travel.  We do not know what her fees might be but have contacted her to see if it’s a good fit.

We are taking it one day/one week at a time now.  She is still continuing with the Kaiser treatments of chemotherapy to keep the cancer at bay and providing more time to explore other options.

There will probably be ongoing acupuncture treatments in the next few months for her facial paralysis, which, by the way, is slowly improving.  Her facial muscles, however, have atrophied to a degree so there is a need here for sure.  A Chinese acupuncture technique called “cupping” can help with this.

Heidi’s spirit continues to shine so brightly through this extremely difficult journey.  We are all inspired by her resiliency.
With love, gratitude and grace,



  1. Peter and Heidi,
    My heart goes out to you both and you have been in my prayers on a daily basis!
    I have some very interesting info for you both, as two of my friends have been successfully working to heal the cancer from their bodies and would love to share with you. Peter if you want to call me, my number is 805 640-0738, would love to share!

  2. Hi Heidi and Peter: Thanks for the update. It is good to know that you've been able to explore alternatives, and that they've been working, too! I'm going to be in Ashland this weekend from Saturday (10/13) midday to Monday (10/15) after lunch. If there's any chance of seeing you, I would love to - please let me know! Email me at askahn@comcast.net or call (206) 851-0047. Love you! -al
