Tuesday, September 25, 2012

Hello All-

Just a brief note to thank you all for your love, prayers, and kind intentions for Heidi as she underwent the surgery today to implant an Ommaya reservoir for delivery of chemotherapy into her spinal fluid.

We had friends(new and old) and family from Ireland to Wisconsin to Oregon to San Diego to Hawaii and parts beyond rooting for her!!

Although there were the requisite two to three substantial delays this morning after arriving at the hospital about 5:15 am, the surgery itself went well and the neurosurgeon told me he is very pleased with the results. So thankfully this is behind us and Heidi can soon begin further and more effective treatment for the remaining leukemia in her cerebro-spinal fluid.

She went through it all today like a true champion and I am very proud of her courage, feisty spirit, and capacity to smile when thwarted (and having to deal with a cranky boyfriend). She will spend tonight in the hospital for observation and tomorrow I'll take her back to my house for rest and some fun....Just moments ago she ate her first food in almost a whole 24 hours--tuna salad and olive bread...and it was a real pleasure to see and hear her smack those cute lips with real relish and pure deliciousness..

She'll write more in a day or so I am sure. Thank you all for your big hearts and good selves!  Heidi and I are truly heartened by your humanity.



  1. Thank you Peter, and thank God all went well. The image of Heidi smacking her lips while eating a delicious sandwich is worth a thousand words. So glad to read that you are both going to your house for some rest and FUN! Now that you got the crankies out of your system, it will be even more fun. Doug and I send our love to you both. ♥♥

  2. Writing from Seattle as friend of the family, kept up to date until now (that I've found this blog thanks to Jory), by Jean. Kudos for sharing your amazing grace, you affirmative witnesses and messengers of love and being.
