Monday, August 27, 2012

Crossing the River

For those of you who have followed my journey these last weeks, thank you for your interest, care and presence in my life.....  There are moments in our lives when a flash of clarity comes, or a breeze reminds us of a bigger Reality, the beauty of nature and sky tips the scales in favor of delight and our sometimes myopic vision opens a crack wider. Today is one of those days for me.  The Divine Alchemist has been furiously at work -- this relapse definitely got my attention! -- and I've seen nooks and crannies of  soul work I never fully realized were there.   As a result, not only my awareness of purpose and destiny for this life have become more clear, but my commitment and dedication to evolving as much as possible has deepened (which includes the deep inner work of shifting tendencies, forgiving ourselves and others, caring for our spirits, and bodies, in new ways, and so much more) in whatever time I have left.  God willing, that will be for many more years to come.

During my healing session last night (with the remarkable and rare "cold energy" treatments I'm getting), I found out the cancer is gone or nearly gone.  We are now going from every day to once a week.  In a few weeks, if all goes well, we will go to once a month.  I postponed my spinal tap to mid-September.  We will then see, from a Western perspective, if anything remains.

Thank each of you for your kind words and material support, your heart's love and smiles in this amazing bright night of my soul.  --  Heidi


  1. the river is wide and
    cool and so blue,

    you are fine and new
    as an April tulip or

    a sinewy green-glowing
    Springtime yew.

  2. Heidi !
    Sending healing hugs your way. This recovery time is just so amazing, and we are so inspired. I give my folks a periodic update on you, and they are also inspired. Mom sends her prayers your way.
    Can't wait to see you sometime soon!
