Saturday, April 9, 2011

Woke up this morning feeling such a deep and abiding sense of well-being in my body.  As I lay in bed, I let my thoughts and feelings travel to the Source of this powerful, yet gentle energy.  It was as if my body was joining in the celebration of spring and new growth.  I could feel it "humming", like a fine-tuned instrument.  I have not yet had an experience like this since starting out my journey with Leukemia....especially in the days following a chemo treatment.  Though my blood counts are going down, which is expected, I could feel another "force" beyond chemicals and the finite material of the body.  It was that force I could sense this morning and I allowed myself a full hour or more to tune into it, affirm it and celebrate it...

It was so powerful and comforting....a message, perhaps, that all is well.  A message of new life and new cycles. 

The A-Fib was a blessing in disguise as it brought me to another floor and a room with a stunning view of sky and clouds.  What a difference it makes to look into the vastness of nature, especially when She is all decked out in her finest spring wardrobe.  Today I'll go back to the oncology wing reinforced and renewed in a way I hadn't expected.

Today is day #7 after my initial chemo this past Monday.  It's typically the day when nausea and other side effects begin to kick in.  What an amazing surprise to be greeted by this beautiful life force energy this morning....

I will be getting a hemaglobin transfusion today which will give me a boost of energy.  And I just asked the doctor if I could have a "day pass" out of the hospital tomorrow (Sunday) if all looks well in the morning....yes, this would be fine, he said.  Peter and I will take a drive up some mountain top and throw snowballs at each other.  I'll try to take some pictures to post here....

Love to all,



  1. >> Today is day #7 after my initial chemo this past Monday. It's typically the day when nausea and other side effects begin to kick in. What an amazing surprise to be greeted by this beautiful life force energy this morning.... <<


  2. fabulous, Heidi !! must have been all of the energy from puja on Saturday night you know..?? your post really lifted me up too. dhanyavaad !! ☼

  3. Life force - what a comfort. yes! may heaven support you by sending oodles of life force, compassion, and kindness. xoxo Elma
