Sunday, December 5, 2010

"For everything that has been,Thanks.
For everything that will be, Yes."

The first time I heard this quote, I instantly fell in love with it.  It came to mind this morning when thinking about my leukemia.  Yes to Leukemia?   Well, maybe yes to the experience, to the mystery, to our mortality, to the lessons, pains and pleasures along this very unexpected journey in my life.  

The chemo yesterday went surprisingly well.   I visualized Vincristine (a particularly toxic form of chemo) coming into my veins as the most beautifully colored glitter (the fine type) that you could ever imagine. It glittered its way through my blood, full of light, very task-minded.  It knew just what it had to do.  And I instructed my cells to comply.  I was amazed later how peaceful my body felt.  There was no resistence, no side effects to speak of.   I fell asleep with such an overwhelming feeling of contentment in my body.  Soothing, as if held in the arms of a beloved mother.

Slept very well and was awakened by the nurse coming into my room saying that my blood counts had shot WAY up in the night (a good thing).  Color has returned to my face.  I have some sense of having turned a corner last night...though my journey will bring me through many more valleys and mountains yet.

Today met with two dear friends.  Next week my 80 + aunt will be traveling from LA by train and stay two days in San Diego to be with me. The following weekend a friend is flying from Oregon. So much love has me humbled and brought me into the rememrance of how Love begets Love.  It is a never ending circle.  To feel it and really take it in during this time has been a huge part of my healing.

See you tomorrow, sweet ones...  Heidi


  1. Well then, today we celebrate the Vincristine, in sparkling colors, going to work its magic in your blood veins. Such a scene!
    Your courage is awesome. When I try for a brief moment to put myself in your place, I don't find myself writing as eloquently. On the contrary, I end up quite a fussy patient. So perhaps I'll work on that. You inspire.
    Of course I understand you aren't in that courageous place all the time.
    Blood count is up? Excellent!
    In the coming weekend, while Peter is out of town, we'll have arranged for some of us to come visit you, in his place. I'm not as cute as Pete, but I can be fun sometimes ;-) . Do you have any need for some music to listen to while you are there? We could bring CDs that you could load onto your computer, and play as you like.
    Big Hug to You, Heidi! My arms around you, with any healing energy I can call up from the universe.

  2. Thanks for the update Heidi, I've been thinking about you a lot this weekend, Really nice to know things went well today. I love you a lot cousin! Vincristine to the rescue? Well okay then, do your Vincristicious super-hero thang!

  3. LOVE the image of the glitter flowing through your veins. All those years of meditation and your powerful ability to visualize are sure coming in handy! So glad that Jean is visiting you - it's really good for her to get out and do things independently. So glad that the universe is open to you being together. I only wish I could join too!
