Monday, November 29, 2010

Hi sweet friends and well-wishers,

Had a little set back last night.  Some of you know that I have another condition called Atrial Fibrillation.  I knew it might come up while in this month long hospital stay and it did, last night.  They needed to move me to another floor where they could monitor my heart more closely.  It took 6 hours from the time it started to the time the doctor finally came to check me out.  They were short handed last night with the holiday weekend.  By the time this angelic doctor came by, put her hands on my neck very tenderly while giving me reassurance, I felt myself relax.  They moved me up to the telemtry floor where the nurses were much more attentive.  Have had my two brothers here all day (first time we've been all been together in 10 years!).  So heartwarming.  I will be sad when they live.

In a hospital one really needs to be one's own advocate.  They were so focused on the leukemia yesterday, they let my electrolytes drop, which affect the heart and can activate Atrial Fibrillation.  These two problem complicate each other in a way.  I feel my conversations with the doctors today were very productive and we are back on track.

Tomorrow is another, lighter chemo day.  More and more I feel like I'm in a little healing cocoon.  Sleep as much as possible, try to manage the increasing pain, and am amazed at all the support at the hospital and with family and friends.  Met with the social worker today about maybe getting a discount for my hospital stay.  Would be wonderful!

Will be taking a walk soon with my two bros and Peter..... Beautiful sunset, now almost gone.   Tomorrow I will reflect more deeply on what I feel is the inner cause of leukemia, genenerally, based on a deep conversation with a friend today.   I love you all!



  1. Holy Cow, Heidi! What a struggle. I was wondering about the atrial fibrillation when Pete first told me you went into the hospital. And now it raises its ugly head. So frustrating. So Pete tells me that your social worker is Shelly Jaffe. I know her. She's a very caring and careful professional. It's good you have her.
    Warm Hugs, Heidi!


  2. I hope you sleep well sweetie...It was a tough night. You looked beautiful as you drifted off to sleep under your 25 lbs. of blankets....

  3. Heidi--Your heart shines,
    lights up a dark
    river like a little
    girl's eager
    lilting voice.

    You are the finest
    weather anywhere.
